
The Package

       We shop online quite frequently, and most of the time, I’d be named as the recipient as I’ve always been the designated house sitter, so when a package worth 73 pesos arrived in my name, I didn’t hesitate to accept and pay for it. I gave the delivery man 80 pesos and didn’t ask for a change. Yes, I could be quite generous sometimes. Lol.      But as it turned out, no one in the house had ordered it. Or maybe, I just forgot that I ordered it—so I opened the black bag and saw a panty inside (see photo above), which size was apparently for a teen-age girl—and I thought hard again: did I order it? No, I don’t think so, I don’t wear panties, and even if do, it wouldn’t be that size as it’s quite small.      So was I scammed? Or was it just a result of an unfortunate mix-up? If it was, then a teenage girl might be walking in the streets these days without an underwear. I know that there are health benefits in going ...

Ghost Riders

       Myriad of decades ago, I thought of owning a motorcycle. I had a girlfriend at that time, so I thought it’d be nice if we had our own little vehicle to go around with—and taxis were so expensive. Yep, I don’t do jeepneys whenever I’m with a girlfriend (which is rarer than a Halley’s Comet appearance). Car was safer, yes, but I couldn’t afford one.       But while I was still planning on acquiring a motorcycle, the relationship suddenly went kaput. No one to go around with, and I’m okay with public transpo, so, the plan of owning a motorcycle started to vanish in my mind. And it would probably never reappear (there's this very strong possibility that I wouldn't have a girlfriend again). Lol.      And also this: Just a few moments ago, I was scrolling through my FB News Feed, and I saw three accidents involving motorcycles (two of them fatal). Every day, you scroll through socmed and you’d stumble upon an ...

YouTube Channel

       Around four years ago, during the pandemic, the time when everyone’s got too much time, I found a video editor on my computer. My niece put it there and used it. I never used a video editor, so I tinkered with it and tried to learn it, and afterwards, decided to create a video—about my favorite band, Pink Floyd. Maybe, I could put it on YouTube, just to experience creating a channel and uploading a video on YouTube and getting some subscribers. I thought of creating another video (also about Pink Floyd), then I finally created a channel and uploaded the two videos. YouTube forewarned me that the videos wouldn’t be monetized because almost all the songs in it were copyrighted. I thought all right and uploaded the videos. I monitored it the next few days, saw it getting microscopic number of views and not one subscriber—and then forgot about it.      I only remembered it when I received an email from YouTube yesterday informing me th...