A Brief History of Black Ink Comics Shortcuts
Around two years ago, while we were busy preparing the first set of Black Ink graphic novels that we’d release, I asked our publisher if we could come out with a comic book that had short stories in it. A 60-page comic book which would be divided into three 20-page short stories. All the comic books we were readying then were all 60-pages and I knew for a fact that there were a lot of komiks readers that didn't have patience for long stories. The publisher immediately approved my suggestion and named the comic book Shortcuts. You can’t find a more amiable and approachable boss than the publisher of Black Ink, who incidentally, is also the publisher of Precious Pages and Lampara. And it was decided that aside from a traditional (or Western-styled) Shortcuts komiks, we’d also be working on a manga Shortcuts. The first traditio...