
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Philippines' War On Drugs (And The All-Powerful Cardboard Signs)

“Is everyone in? Are you having a nice time? Now the final solution can be applied…”                             Pink Floyd, "The Fletcher Memorial Home"        Brand-new Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte ran on an anti-illegal drugs campaign and won. There was hardly a mention of clear policies on economy or on the West Philippine Sea case during his campaign, it was all anti-drugs or anti-crimes pronouncements and still he won, overwhelmingly. He promised that his war against drugs will be ultra-violent and bloody and still, 16 million Filipinos voted him into power. Law-abiding Pinoys are tired of crimes, we get it.        And now, he is fulfilling his promise—blood have been flowing in the streets and many  drug offenders are dropping dead like flies. ...

A BASTARD MUST DIE (And How Game of Thrones Ends Season 6 with a One-Two Punch)

       Season 6 of Game of Thrones has ended and a lot of fans are saying that it is probably the best season of the show, owing to the strength of its last two episodes, Battle of the Bastard s (Ep 9) and The Winds of Winter (Ep 10, Season Finale). There’s a word that best describes these two episodes: stunning. It bolsters my suspicion that TV, really, was invented for Game of Thrones.        Battle of the Bastards features a mind-blowing battle (see fantastic GIF above) between Ned Stark's bastard, Jon Snow and his wildlings-fortified army and Roose Bolton's bastard, Ramsay Bolton and his soldiers. And yes, Ramsay Bolton finally dies in this episode, but not in the battlefield. Sansa feeds him to his dogs, which is a far more fitting death for this repellent character.        The Winds of Winter is literally an explosive episode. It is here where Cersei unleashes her villain...