Let's Talk Briefly About The Narrative Tense
Here’s a little reminder to writers and writer-wannabes. After you’ve finished plotting your story, and after probably fleshing out your characters, and you’re ready to write it now, the first thing you decide on is your narrative tense: will it be in present tense or past tense? Past tense is more common (and some say it is the only way a story should be told and that most readers are more comfortable with it), so let’s say you choose simple past tense for your narration, the first rule here is: you have to make sure that your whole narrative is in past tense. (Meaning, your verbs, action or linking, should always be in past tense, e.g. was over is , talked instead of talks, sat over sit, had over has or have , could over can , did over do or does , would instead of will , and so on., except in dialogues, of course.) Here's an excerpt from the “classic” vampire novel Twilight: At that...