A Notorious Man And Three Life Lessons
There’s this (homely) man—who dabbles in a sport, and is quite infamous and notorious in this sport— who seems to have an endless source of money. He is quite a celebrity; he has a sexy starlet for a girlfriend with a humongous, really humongous, pair of boobs. He left his family for her. He is omnipresent on social media (he has lots of accounts, mostly with fake names), badmouthing his perceived enemies, lecturing them on humanity, and giving cash handouts (5k, 10k, 20k, 50k) to anyone who sucks up to him and who is willing to be his sycophant. He is admittedly very entertaining in a debauched way. He also loves to post photos and videos of bundles of cash amounting to several millions of pesos, which makes one wonder, Where are all these money coming from? He isn’t a rich businessman, just an ordinary government employee who is fortunate to be acquainted with some political bigwigs. ...