Lang Leav's Love Poems And A Fan

Beauty's Curse

"Her bow is drawn to worlds of dark,
where arrows spring and miss their mark—
she'll turn their heads but not their hearts.”
It was during the last few frantic days before Christmas last year when I asked my niece on what book would be a nice gift to someone, a lady who adored books.

My niece told me to give her Lang Leav’s first book.

“Lang Leav who?” I remember asking, that was the first time I heard the strange-sounding name.

“She’s a poet, and a writer, she’s very good, I love her poems, I follow her on Tumbler. Your friend’s gonna like it.”

I took her advice seriously. You see, my niece is a lot smarter than me. An honor student since prep school,  she’s a voracious reader and has quite a high standard when it comes to books, so when she says that this particular book is good, it really is good.

So off I went to a mall, trotted inside a bookstore and rummaged and turned it upside down for a copy of Lang Leav’s poetry book. It was hard to find at that time and I needed to go to three malls just to find it. And whaddyaknow? Lang Leav’s poems (most of them about love) are easy to understand and interpret, unlike those profound and highfalutin poems where you have to whack your head with Thor’s hammer and split your skull in two so your brain could breathe and crawl out, seek a mentor and finally acquire the skill to understand the message these poets are trying to convey.

I don’t know if the pretty recipient of my gift liked the book I gave her (I don't know if she digs poetry; she loves fiction, though) but I’m hoping she did—it matters that she did, yes.

Anyway, last Sunday, February 9, the poetess of love (requited and unrequited) herself, Lang Leav was in Manila and expectedly, my niece rushed to the bookstore (Fully Booked in Alabang Town Center) where she’d be holding a book signing event. And oh, how my niece gushed about her, about her being so kind and nice and about how she was looking forward to her next book—and yeah, Lang Leav hugged her as a bonus.

And if you want a proof of that momentous hug, look at the photo below.

Yes, it’s a big deal to my beloved niece.


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