Johnny Depp And Her Scissor-Like Hands

     After watching him on Edward Scissorhands (1990), Johnny Depp became one of my favorite actors. I love the two Alice in Wonderland movies, and The Pirates of the Caribbean movies, of course. And Sweeny Todd (2007), too. And Ed Wood (1994). A lot of critics say that like Keanu Reeves, Johnny really can’t act, that he’s annoying on screen. `Don’t care, for me, he is entertaining. And Keanu, too, certainly. So in his current legal battle against his former wife, actress Amber Heard (he was suing her for libel for claiming that he physically abused her during their marriage), I am cheering for him. He is denying that he abused her, claiming that it was actually her who (physically and mentally abused) him during their marriage. Actually, I really am not interested in their legal fight (lol) but this heart-wrenching testimony of him about his ex-wife appeared on my News Feed this morning:

     "She was beautiful, seemingly incredibly interested in me and my work, and I fell for it.

     She bombed me with what appeared to be love. It was not until much later that I understood that she had an agenda, namely to get married to me in order to progress her own career and to benefit financially, and she knew how to bring it about. She knew what she wanted, and I was an easy target.

     She presented herself as a carbon copy of me, with precisely the same interests, thoughts, favorite writers, taste in music and art as me! Rather than see this as calculated, sociopathic and emotionally dishonest, I convinced myself that it was endearing and sweet.

     She came into my life to take from me anything worth taking, and then destroy what remained of it.”

     I am inclined to believe that Mr. Depp is not lying here, so, yeah, men don’t have the monopoly of manipulating or hurting the opposite sex when it comes to love, and women don’t have the monopoly of being hapless and helpless in a relationship. Women, too, are capable of toying with men, teasing them, seducing them, perplexing them, entrapping them into their web, playing tricks on them, wrapping them around their scissor-like fingers and cutting them, hanging them out to dry, as if these men don’t have feelings, pretending that they care for them, playing like the victim, then, pushing them off a metaphorical cliff, watching them roll down, ignoring their pleadings, their screams for help, and laughing hysterically as these men smash their skull on the ground.

     Yes, some women can do that, especially the pretty ones, who think their pretty face is their license to be calculating and make men their cheap-and-easy-to-exploit-then-dump toys.


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