A Hungry Smart Little Girl


     A few days ago, my niece, who was a full scholar (Master’s) at a university at UK, told us that she‘s currently at the top of her class and was the leading candidate for the top honor (which is equivalent to Summa Cum Laude). We knew she’d do well in her class (which is composed of scholars from different countries) but we didn’t know she’d do that well. Well, we always consider her the second smartest person in the family (the first is my six year old nephew who always gets bored with his online class because it’s so easy). Lol. We hope she remains on top of her class until graduation and that nothing will distract her.

     When she was younger (as in elementary-days younger), I would sometimes bring her to the publishing house –whenever her parents were both at work— where I do freelance works, and one day, the editor-in-chief, an amiable lady, saw her with me and asked her, “Is your uncle a nice man?”

     And she promptly answered, without batting an eyelash, “No.”

     Well, I wanted to explain while the kind editor-in-chief laughed that she was already hungry at the time and I hadn’t fed her, which probably annoyed her. But I got scared that my niece, who had her eyebrows already knitted at that time, would elaborate and tell a different story and destroy my reputation. Lol.

     After that, I told to her say 'no comment' whenever she's asked something about me.


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