The Girlfriend Who Couldn't Be Introduced And A Bottle of Sauce
Two guys ahead of me in a queue in a supermarket cashier were talking, and as I leaned towards to my cart in front of me, yawning, waiting for the line to move, I couldn’t help but eavesdrop on them. The topic basically was one of the guys had a girlfriend, whom he had yet to introduce to his family because he was afraid that his family would ridicule and belittle her choice of a girlfriend. They failed to discuss why his family would diss the girl, maybe she’s : A.] ugly B.] poor and uneducated C.] single mom/had been married before D.] transwoman/ladyboy E.] an ex-con I was thinking, while I grimaced watching the amount of my groceries rise up like a tsunami, if I had a girlfriend who was ugly, poor and uneducated, a single mom or a transwoman or an ex-con, my family would still be delighted ...