A Reminder That Has been Forgotten


     This morning, I was having a problem storing a new reminder on my Notes app on my cell phone, so I started deleting old reminders hoping it would help. Most of my notes were about our dog (vet appointment, the medicines and food I’d buy him, etc) and tasks I’d do. Then I saw this peculiar reminder dated October 10, 2021 and titled Toni V. It shows numbers 32-16, then 4 partixipant, then 60M, then Toni V, then 2 thugs, 1 jockey, then numbers 41, 30, 510, 50.

     Toni V, I could easily understand. Toni V is a lady and a pretty boss of mine (yes, I have pretty bosses) I deal with as a freelance editor-proofreader. Maybe, I wanted to be reminded of her because I would ask her something about a manuscript I was working on or any work-related matter. But the others, especially the numbers, I can’t remember what they were about. Can’t be lotto numbers as they included the number 510, and I don’t bet on lotto. The 4 partixipant entry and the 2 thugs, 1 jockey, I can’t also remember them for the life of me. Partixipant to what and why did I spell it that way?  The 60M, maybe, it referred to my money in the bank. Lol. I only have 850 pesos in the bank. I also can’t remember what it was.

     Maybe, the numbers were a code. A code to what, I don’t know. Jeez, maybe, they referred to the end of the world. October 2021, the pandemic was still at its peak then. Maybe, the reminders were about it. Now, to save the world, I’m thinking on who to contact to decode them, Alan Turing or Dan Brown. 

     Really, life is a mystery, full of codes and ciphers. Lol.


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