Being Wary Of Your Mortality

     When a few of your (not-so-old) friends, friends’ friends, acquaintances, Facebook friends, Facebook friends’ friends are dropping dead because of some illnesses, you can’t help but be wary of your own mortality and the fact that you’re also not immune to these diseases, especially if you’re already experiencing some minor aches and discomfort every now and then.

     So first, I had my blood pressure taken, which result was neither normal nor too high, something I could manage or bring down through diet and exercise. Then, I had a blood test, which results were fairly normal, except for a bit high cholesterol (probably the effect of binge-eating during the holidays and the past few days), which, fortunately, can also be managed and brought down by diet and exercises. Then I thought of undergoing HIV/AIDS test, but I changed my mind. I haven’t had sex for more than fifty years now so I think it would be useless.

     I also thought of having an ECG test but I also changed my mind. The doctor would see that my heart is… broken. And he'd be dumbfounded what medicines to prescribe me. I know the medicine I need but it's not available in drugstores.

     It’s our duty not to die young because of diseases that we can avoid if only  we’d instill a bit of discipline on ourselves—but who can blame us if the food and drinks that do the most damage to our body taste heavenly? 

     Like this ice-cold beer and sizzling sisig I’m about to partake.


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