Coughs And Chocolates


     After wrestling with a nasty cold for the last few days, I woke this morning with a nasty cough. Already feeling numb and nauseous from taking too many cold tablets, I decided to look for some home remedy for coughs and found the usual suspects: steam, ginger, hot fluids, and a not-so-unusual one: chocolates.

     According to Google, “chocolate is thick and sticky like honey and it calms down the nerves and quickly soothes a cough. Chocolate may be the perfect cough medicine, because in addition to its perfect consistency, it contains compounds that have other health benefits, too.”

     Another Google entry states that: “chocolates, especially the dark ones, contain a substance called theobromine whose consumption causes more effective cough inhibitors than common codeine syrup. This substance is also found in tea, which can help prevent the cough.”

     Luckily, we still have a few chocolate bars in the house (Lindt, Maltesers, and Toblerone) so I immediately grabbed a few bars, stuck my tongue out to cough syrups and tablets and gobbled the chocolates.

     It’s been a few hours, and I still have this nasty cough, but at least my sweet tooth had been satiated. And also I’m googling the best cough syrups available— and the best support group for chocoholics.



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