Stories As A Gift


     A sister (who bakes as a hobby) asked me If I wanted to give cookies and banana bread as Christmas gift. I told her I don’t give gifts that perish in a few days, like food and flowers. I like my gifts to last, like books, or jewelry. I’d rather give a keychain as a gift than chocolates.

     But I am never imaginative when it comes to choosing a gift, I never knew what gifts would satisfy an acquaintance or a friend or a relative, so often, I’d end up buying something banal and boring. If I were moneyed, I’d prefer to give cash, so they could just buy what they want. But someone with 3K in his bank account is someone you wouldn’t call moneyed. Lol.

     The irony is, I am someone who would be happy with a gift as cliché as a mug.

     In fact, I just discovered this year that Instagram stories—yep, Instagram stories— are enough to make me quite happy.

     Catch is, those stories should only come from one particular Instagram account.

     Beautiful, lovely, happy, emotional, sad, trivial Instagram stories—nice little everyday gifts.


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