

     “It’s so hot!” were the first few words that came out of Sorbet’s mouth when he woke up that morning.

     It was so hot indeed that he heard in the news that some classes today were suspended because of the heat. He wanted to cool off in a mall and eat ice cream—it felt like the sun was just a few kilometers away from his roof— but he got some works to do, so he sat instead in front of his computer, but before he could start working, he felt something dripping from his ear.

     He picked it up with his finger and examined it—it was gooey and slimy and it was greyish and pinkish.

     He went to the doctor who in turned also examined it.

     “So what is it, doc?” he asked the doctor afterwards.

     “This is actually a part of your brain, Sorbet,” the doctor answered. “It’s so hot your brain is melting and dripping out of your ears. Look,” he reached out a hand to Sunny’s ear and picked out something. “Another part of your brain has just fell out of your ear.”

     And Sorbet soon realized that it wasn’t only his brain that was melting as he looked at his hands—his fingers were also melting like ice candies, and also his legs and feet.

     “I’m blaming the weather here, Sorbet,” said the doctor as Sorbet’s nose fell to the floor and made a tiny puddle.

     And as his brain was about to complete its meltdown, Sorbet remembered Heather, his former master. Heather was an ice sculptor and one day she created him. But as fate would have it, while Heather was asleep, a fairy visited him and granted him a wish.

    "I want to be a real man,” Sorbet wished.

     And as he was running away, Sorbet heard Heather yelling at him. “You’re making a big mistake, Sorbet. A temperature of 34 degrees Celsius will be enough to melt you!”


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