I Love You!


     His eyes were greeted by a blinding light when he opened them. And when the light slowly revealed a figure, he saw a small fairy, which reminded him of Tinker Bell, floating just a few inches away from his face.

     “Hi,” Tinker Bell said. Of course, it wasn’t the fairy’s name, he just decided that he would call it that. “I’ve been going in and out of your house for quite some time now, eating your candies, which are always delicious, and I thought, maybe I should reward you, the head of this family, as I know that putting candies inside an open jar near the window is your idea. You believe in fairies and you know that they like candies.”

     I just read it in a book, he thought.

     “Tinker Bell’s nice but it's taken. My name is Eialem,” the fairy said, which obviously could read his mind. “So, like I said, I’m going to reward you,” she continued. “I would give you the ability to speak, but only three words. You can speak these words anytime, anywhere. It’s not much, but believe me, that’s the best gift I can give you as I don’t have much magic in me.”

     I’d be happy with three words, he thought. He was born mute and he’d always welcome the opportunity to finally speak a word, even just one word.

     “Think carefully, and when you finally choose those three words, just say the word shimenet in your head and you can start speaking those words.

     With his heart happily thudding against his chest, he slowly opened his mouth, and uttered, “I-I love y-you. I-I love you. I love you.”

     The fairy smiled, her teeth glowing like stars.

     Well, he’d been married to his wife for fifteen years and they had known each other for nineteen years, and he hadn’t told her these three words. Of course, because he couldn’t. He had written them in thousands of letters he had given her, but he always wanted to tell her those words, whisper it to her ear, to tell her that he’d been much appreciative of her love for him.

    “Come on now,” Eialem said. “Your wife’s in the kitchen, cooking breakfast, she probably would love to hear those words now. And by the way, I love those winter melon-flavored candies, put more of them in the jar.”


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