Girls, TikTok, and Dogs


     A few days ago, two young women were questioned by the police a while they were making a video for TikTok. The two girls rode a motorcycle and while one was driving, her angkas, complete with soap, pail and a tabo, was giving her a bath. Everyone could see how dangerous that stunt was not only for the two women but for the people on the road—so the cops were alerted. Jeez, the things young people would do these days— for likes, fame, and monetization. I am wondering what violation the police would charge them, just in case. Attempted suicide while taking a bath? Reckless imprudence resulting to a murderous bath? Months ago, TikTok videos started appearing compulsory on everyone’s Facebook News Feed and most of the videos that would appear on my News Feed were those of girls dancing provocatively while wearing skimpy clothes (to some, camel toes and nipples poking their shirt or sando were obligatory).

     These provocative videos began vanishing  on my News Feed when I ignored them and I started watching cute TikTok videos of dogs instead, and now, only dog videos appear on my FB News feed, and I’m happy with it. Dogs are almost always completely naked, many wore only a collar, in their TikTok videos but they don’t make me feel a lecher. But sometimes, when I’m having difficulty sleeping and melano—, er, melanie—, I mean, melatonin won’t work, I’d think of those camel toes and the souls they sent astray.



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