Bits Of Information You Really Need Not Know (Except For The First One)
Basing on recent developments, there’s a huge possibility that the Philippines' incumbent vice-president, Sara Duterte, daughter of Former President Rodrigo Duterte, will go to jail (she’s being investigated by congress on corruption charges and by the NBI with regard to her (death) threats against the president), aside from the prospect of being impeached and disbarred (she’s a lawyer). It’s a triple whammy, yes, but then, she's vicious, and she's not even trying to hide it. I'll categorize this info as happy news. Instagram doesn’t allow screen recording anymore. I’ll categorize this as bad news. Just learned today on Facebook that a woman’s most private part could be categorized as either innie or outie. Who says Facebook is useless when it comes to dispensing pertinent information? Lol. Saw this Facebook video about the Top Twenty songs on Billboard in 1980 and realized...